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New Board
HGCMA welcomes our two new board members, Roger H. Brown and Mark Sibold.
Roger H. Brown is Berklee College of Music Emeritus after serving as their President for 17 years. With a B.A. in Physics (Phi Beta Kappa) from Davidson College and an M.B.A. from Yale University, Brown is also an award winning Percussionist. Outside of Hamilton-Garrett, Brown is the Co-Director of Save the Children Foundation in Sudan, as well as the Co-Founder of Bright Horizons, the world's largest provider of worksite childcare and early education with 750 high-quality centers across the globe.
Mark Sibold earned his bachelorette degree in International Relations with an emphasis on Economics in the Colgate University (magna cum laude) class of 2019. He also minored in Mandarin. Mark has been involved in the performing arts since childhood, most recently having performed with the Wellesley High School Keynote Singers, Boston Pops, and the Colgate Thirteen Acapella group, to name a few. As he currently pursues his J.D. with plans to practice Intellectual Property/Privacy & Health Law, Mark is an advocate for equity in healthcare for underserved communities.

The Bay State
The Hamilton-Garrett Center for Music & Arts has been featured on The Bay State Banner.
As the HG Academy celebrates its 20th anniversary and the 100 birth anniversary of its co-founder Ruth Hamilton, our Executive Director Gerami Groover-Flores sat down to talk about HG's history in the Roxbury community.